NHPS Code of Conduct 2022-23


Updated September 2022

School Code of Conduct 

The Kawartha Pine Ridge District School Board (KPR) believes everyone has the right to be safe, and to feel safe, welcome, and included in their school community. The following School Code of Conduct reflects the guiding principles of the Board’s Safe, Caring and Restorative Schools Policy and the Ontario Code of Conduct. It supports a common understanding for safe learning and working environments, where everyone is treated with respect, fairness, and dignity. It also helps to prevent bullying in schools. The School Code of Conduct applies to students while they are at school, engaged in a school-related activity, or in other circumstances where the activity affects the school climate. 

School Code of Conduct Responsibilities 

Common School Community Member Responsibilities 

  • Safety is everyone’s responsibility. 
  • Everyone in our school community is responsible for promoting safe, caring relationships that respect human dignity. 
  • Everyone is responsible for preventing harm. 
  • Students, staff, volunteers, parents, and guardians have additional responsibilities unique to their roles. 

Additional Student Responsibilities 

All students have the additional responsibility to: 

  • exercise self-discipline, follow established rules & accept responsibility for their actions based on age & individual ability 
  • come to school prepared, on time and ready to learn and support a positive learning environment 
  • show respect for themselves, for others and for those in authority 
  • refrain from bringing anything to school that may compromise safety, inclusion or respect for the dignity of another member of the school community 


Additional School Staff Responsibilities 

Staff have the additional responsibility to: 

  • help students achieve their full potential and develop their self-worth 
  • assess, evaluate, and report student progress 
  • communicate regularly and meaningfully with students, parents, or guardians 
  • discipline fairly and consistently, taking any mitigating factors into account; this is in keeping with school board regulations on Discipline/Promoting Positive Student Behaviour/Code of Conduct, and the School Code of Conduct 
  • be on time & prepared for all classes and school activities 
  • prepare students for full responsibilities of membership in their community/society 
  • safeguard students from persons or conditions which interfere with the learning process 
  • understand and minimize any biases that may affect student-teacher relationships 


Additional Parent(s)/Guardians(s) Responsibilities 

Parents and guardians have the additional responsibility to: 

  • attend to their child's physical, social, and emotional well-being 
  • show an active interest in their child’s schoolwork and actively support student progress 
  • communicate regularly with the school 
  • help their child be neat, clean, appropriately dressed, and prepared for school 
  • ensure that their child attends school and is on time 
  • promptly report to the school their child’s absence or late arrival 
  • become familiar with the Code of Conduct and school rules 
  • encourage and assist their child in following the rules of behaviour 
  • assist school staff in dealing with disciplinary issues 


Standards of Behaviour 

Respect, Dignity, Civility, Equality and Responsible Participation in School Life 

We all value one another and treat each other with respect and dignity. We educate our students to be caring, responsible community members who protect everyone’s physical, social, academic and emotional well-being. Everyone in the school community must: 


  • respect and comply with all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws 
  • demonstrate the character attributes set out by the school board 
  • respect differences among people, their ideas, opinions, experiences and perspectives 
  • treat one another with dignity and respect at all times, and especially when they disagree 
  • respect and treat everyone fairly, regardless of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status, or disability 
  • respect the rights of individuals and groups 
  • show proper care and regard for school and student property 
  • take appropriate measures to help one another 
  • use non-violent means to resolve conflict 
  • dress in a manner that is appropriate to school activities with regard to exposure, cleanliness and message 
  • respect persons who are in a position of authority 
  • respect the common goal to work in an environment of learning and teaching. 

Physical and Emotional (Psychological) Safety 



The following will not be tolerated: 

  • possession of any weapon or replica weapon, such as firearms 
  • use of any object or means to threaten or intimidate another person 
  • causing injury to any person with an object 


Physical and Emotional (Psychological) Safety cont’d… 

Alcohol and Drugs 

The following will not be tolerated: 

  • possessing, being under the influence of, or providing others with, alcohol or restricted drugs 


Physical Aggression 

The following will not be tolerated: 

  • inflicting or encouraging others to inflict bodily harm on another person 
  • intimidation 


Non-physical Aggression 

The following will not be tolerated: 

  • emotional, sexual, homophobic, racist, sexist, faith-based, ability-based or social status-based actions that hurt an individual or group, whether intentional or not 
  • threatening physical harm, bullying or harassing others 
  • using any form of discrimination, stereotype, prejudice, harassment, hate/bias-motivated act 


Further to all these standards of behaviour, all school members are expected to seek staff assistance, if necessary, to resolve conflict peacefully. 


Bullying and Harassment in any form are wrong and hurtful. Everyone has a role to play as we work together to prevent, identify, and respond to bullying and exclusion. We all are accountable for our actions. Where bullying does occur, we respond fairly and appropriately, to build respectful relationships. Restorative Practice is one strategy we use to prevent, and repair the harm caused by bullying and exclusion. 


Bullying definition: Bullying is aggressive and typically repeated behaviour by a pupil where: 

  • the behaviour is intended to, or the pupil ought to know that the behaviour would be likely to: 
  • cause harm, fear, or distress to another individual or group, including physical, psychological, social, emotional or academic harm to reputation or property 
  • create an unwelcoming environment at a school for another group or individual

  • the behaviour occurs where there is a real or perceived imbalance of power between the pupil and the individual being bullied, based on factors such as size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group, economic or social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstance, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability or the receipt of special education 
  • the behaviour includes use of any physical, verbal, electronic, written, or other means 


Cyber-bullying involves bullying by electronic means, including: 

  • creating a web page or blog in which the creator assumes the identity of another person 
  • impersonating another person as the author of content or messages posted on the Internet 
  • communicating inappropriate material electronically to more than one individual, or posting material on a website that may be accessed by one or more persons 


Bullying, in any form, has negative effects on: 

  • a student’s ability to learn 
  • healthy relationships and the school climate 
  • a school’s ability to educate its students 


Bullying in any form will not be accepted on school property, at school-related activities, on school buses, or in any other circumstances (e.g. online) where bullying will have a negative effect on the school climate


School Code of Conduct Rules 

  • students must be allowed to learn 
  • teachers must be allowed to teach. 
  • The following behaviours are not acceptable for anyone in the school community: 
  • physical, verbal, electronic, written or other means of sexual or psychological abuse (e.g. sarcasm, ridicule, humiliation) 
  • assault 
  • bullying 
  • actions motivated by hate, bias or discrimination (e.g. on grounds of race, ancestry, place of origin, colour, ethnic origin, citizenship, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, marital status, family status or disability) 
  • damage to property in the school environment (including school grounds, school buses, on school excursions) 


Note: The principal also may apply these rules to a pupil when the pupil’s conduct outside the school environment negatively affects the school. 

School Code of Conduct Procedures at Northumberland Hills P.S. 

At NHPS students are greeted by staff each morning in the hopes of giving a positive start to the day. Many problems can be solved or avoided as students arrive at school. At nutrition breaks there are teachers on hall duty and at recesses there are teachers on the yard to monitor safe play and interactions, as well as to help students solve problems. We operate on the basis of mutual respect, involving all staff, students, parents and community members. As problems arise, students are encouraged to tell an adult in the building, and their parents. The hope is that they will attempt to try to solve the problem themselves using strategies taught within classrooms, and if that doesn’t work the adults will help them with the solution. We believe there is at least one positive solution for every problem. We use Restorative Practice when issues are brought to us. It is a practice that gives everyone a voice in terms of explaining the problem and in finding a solution. When bullying occurs, we follow Restorative Practice, and it has been very successful. Sometimes an issue can reoccur between the same groups of students later, at which time we will help again. We see every issue as a separate one, but we do take history into account. There are no ‘automatic’ consequences for issues (unless very serious and noted later in this document). ‘Zero tolerance’ simply means that we don’t tolerate it, we do deal with it in a variety of ways depending upon the situation. 


Character Education at Northumberland Hills P.S. 

NHPS is a school where every individual is valued. Our Code of Behaviour is rooted in the 10 Character Attributes of KPRDSB: 


respect - responsibility - honesty - optimism - integrity - empathy - fairness - initiative -perseverance - courage


Restorative Practice at Northumberland Hills P.S. 

Restorative Practice is essential in teaching students, and adults, how to have a positive voice and find an appropriate solution when problems arise. When problems are brought to teachers or to the office, an investigation follows, all parties meet and have a voice, and a decision is made about how to repair any harm done. Sometimes consequences are necessary, sometimes participants just need the chance to talk it out. We find that this builds trust between students and other students, students and the adults in the building and it significantly cuts down on the fear and delivery of retribution or ‘revenge’ actions. It’s seen by the students and adults as a fair and thorough process. It also teaches students how to solve their own problems over time and experience with the process. 


Dress Code at Northumberland Hills P.S. 

School is a place to learn and is not a place where clothing is competitive or where clothing is used to make exaggerated statements. Clothing with obscene or inappropriate writing is not permitted. Hats are not worn in school. Staff will offer regular reminders at the entry to remove hats when in the building. Shoes for inside use are required for cleanliness and for gym classes, fire drills and/or emergencies. 

Strategies to Promote Acceptable Behaviour 

Prevention Strategies 

Schools in the KPR Board promote academic excellence through the character attributes of respect, responsibility, honesty, integrity, empathy, fairness, initiative, perseverance, courage and optimism. These attributes provide the foundation for a safe, caring environment that enables all students to reach their full potential. A positive school climate exists when relationships are strong and all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable, welcome, valued, cared for and included. 

KPR schools use restorative practice, an overall approach that manages conflict and tensions by repairing harm and strengthening relationships. It holds the individuals causing the harm accountable for their actions and allows everyone affected by the behaviour – including the person harmed, the person causing harm and community members – to express how they are affected. It also allows people to identify any needs resulting from the harmful behaviour. They can seek a solution that offers reparation (“making it right”), healing and reintegration, while preventing future harm. Restorative practices range from informal conversations to meetings or formal restorative conferences. 

The Board’s Code of Conduct sets clear standards of behaviour that are firm and fair. These standards apply, not only to students, but to all individuals involved in the school system – parents, volunteers, employees – whether they are on school property, on school buses, at school-related events or activities, or in other circumstances that could affect school climate. 


Prevention strategies are designed to: 

  • establish a positive school climate 
  • maintain effective classroom management and discipline 
  • model encouragement, reinforcement, and rewards for positive behaviour 
  • promote social skills development 
  • provide information regarding anger management programs 
  • use peer counselling and conflict resolution 
  • use effective, respectful home-school communication 


Supportive Intervention Strategies use: 

  • teachable moment 
  • verbal reminders and reinforcement 
  • active listening 
  • positive choices 
  • restorative practices and other problem solving techniques 
  • contracts for expected behaviour 
  • appropriate outside agencies 
  • interviews/discussion 
  • school / Board /community resources 

Consequences for Unacceptable Behaviour 

Consequences shall be appropriate to the individual, circumstances and actions. They include progressive discipline, using a range of responses, supports and restorative practices that promote positive behaviour and inclusive school cultures. Consequences are firm, fair, clear and appropriate to the student’s age and development. They include learning opportunities for students, to reinforce positive behaviours and help students make good choices. For students with special education needs, consequences and supports are consistent with the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP). The Board, principals and vice-principals consider all mitigating and other factors, as required by legislation. Progressive discipline and restorative approaches are outlined in detail in the Safe, Caring and Restorative Schools Manual for administrators. 

Consequences may include one or more of the following: 

  • restorative practice 
  • warnings 
  • time-outs 
  • time-owed 
  • restricted privileges 
  • apology 
  • restitution, i.e. financial, community service 
  • suspension 
  • expulsion 


As required by law, a student will be suspended, and expulsion may be considered, if the pupil commits one or more of the following infractions at school or a school-related activity: 

  • possessing a weapon including a firearm 
  • using a weapon to cause or to threaten bodily harm to another person 
  • committing physical assault that causes bodily harm requiring medical treatment 
  • committing sexual assault 
  • committing an offence motivated by hate, bias or discrimination 
  • trafficking in weapons or in restricted drugs 
  • committing robbery 
  • giving alcohol to a minor 
  • bullying if: 
  • the pupil has been suspended previously for bullying 
  • the pupil’s presence in the school creates an unacceptable risk to another person


As required by law, a student may be suspended, and expulsion may be considered, in the following cases: 

  • the pupil commits an infraction in the school community, which could have a negative effect on the school; 
  • the pupil’s pattern of behaviour is so ‘refractory’ (unmanageable) that pupil’s presence is harmful to the learning environment 
  • the pupil has engaged in activities that: 
  • cause the pupil’s presence in the school to be harmful to the physical or emotional well-being of others in the school 
  • cause extensive damage to property at the school 
  • the pupil’s pattern of behaviour has shown the pupil has not prospered by the instruction available, and the pupil persistently resists changing the behaviour 


As required by law, a student may be suspended in the following cases: 

  • uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person 
  • possessing alcohol or restricted drugs 
  • being under the influence of alcohol 
  • swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority 
  • committing vandalism that causes extensive damage to property at the school property at the pupil’s school 
  • bullying 
  • any other activity for which a principal may suspend a student under a policy of the Board 


In addition, the KPR Board will also consider suspending a student for the following infractions: 

  • persistent opposition to authority 
  • habitual neglect of duty (e.g. constant refusal to do school work) 
  • wilful destruction of school or Board property 
  • use of profane or improper language 
  • conduct injurious to moral tone of the school or to the physical or emotional well-being of self or others in the school 
  • being involved in a physical fight